Friday, December 16, 2016

Saying No (Even When It Hurts)

Richie Norton, you speak the truth.
I'll preface this all by saying that I am a people pleaser to the extreme.  I like everyone to be happy with me and I hate disappointing people.  You can ask my elementary school teachers, it's just my personality.

However, with the changes that have truly shook my world, I've been forced to learn to say no.  To the opportunities that are not right for me at this moment as well as the path I was on. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Driving with Dogs: Holiday Edition

Hey y'all!

November was a lot of change, some expected but most was not. I've held off writing during this time as a way to kind of get back into a routine of my own. But I'm back now!

With the holidays coming up quickly and all the traveling that goes along with that, why not bring your dogs along for the fun?